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Learning To Be A Bit More Eco...

When I started on the journey of creating The Full Freezer, I had no clue what a minefield I was entering. I just wanted to help myself and other home cooks to have a less stressful dinnertime.


The potential environmental knock-on from meal prepping could be huge though.


The big advice from the top batch cookers' is always to freeze flat in ziplock bags to save space, but what about the environmental impact of this? Not to mention the copious amounts of packaging that supermarkets fling our way…


On the flip side, my journey has taught me that food waste has proven to be a bigger harm to the environment then single-use plastics*. 


And so my conundrum begins... I am no eco-warrior (and if you are, I'm keen to learn, but please don't criticise or lecture), but I am a Mum, who does recognise there's a problem and who wants to take steps to be part of the change. 


As part of my Full Freezer journey, I am striving to educate myself as to how I can best limit my negative impact on the planet - wading through the marketing to find the truth. I will share what I find here! 



Learn More...

Why Does Food Waste Matter.png

What Environmental Problems Does Wasting Food Cause? Read this article to find out...

Glass vs Plastics.png

Which is better (or worse) for the environment - glass or plastic?

Love Food Hate Waste.png

Surprisingly, our everyday preferences are responsible for a huge amount of food waste, as many of us choose to ignore the skins, leaves, stalks and crusts of our favourite foods... .

Food Waste Trends - Food Waste Survey 2019

Do you know what the 'green dot' symbol

Do you know what the green dot recycling symbol means?

How Does Food Waste Get Recycled?.png

There'll always be food waste, but do you know how it gets recycled


Big Brands are 'greenwashing' us to believe that their products are environmentally friendly

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As we learn more about the challenges our world faces, it can become pretty overwhelming. This article has some useful advice...

As Featured By
BBC Breakfast logo
Drew Barrymore B&W.png
LFHW B&W.png
The Telegraph B&W.png
BBC Food B&W.png
Prima Logo-2.png
The Sun B&W.png
Steph's Packed Lunch B&W.png
Sustainable(ish) logo b&w.png
BBC Morning Live Grey.png
MyLondon B&W.png

©2024 by The Full Freezer. The Full Freezer is part of The Home Cooking Consultant Ltd.

Registered in England No. 12213974 | The Enterprise Centre University Of East Anglia, University Drive, Norwich, England, NR4 7TJ

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