Serves 2
(Leftovers won't freeze well)
Freezer (you can use fresh if you have them!)
4x large ice cubes of white wine (mine are 15ml, or 1 tbsp)
2x tbsp olive oil
25g butter
1x handful frozen onion or shallots
½ tsp frozen sliced or crushed garlic
1x large handful diced frozen butternut squash
Drizzle of honey or maple syrup
1x vegetable (or chicken) stock cube
500ml boiling water
(more may be required)
150g arborio (risotto) rice
1 tsp chilli flakes (optional)
Salt and pepper
1. Remove the wine from the freezer and allow to thaw (you can defrost on low in the microwave to speed things up)
2. Turn on the oven to 190°C, put the oil on a baking tray and put in the oven to heat up.
3. Whilst the oil is heating, fill the kettle and put on to boil. Then grab a saucepan and melt the butter.
4. When the kettle has boiled make the stock using the cube and 500ml boiling water.
5. Once melted, add the frozen onion and fry until the excess water has evaporated and the onion is starting to brown.
6. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute, stirring so that it doesn’t catch.
7. Put the rice in and stir, then add the wine. As soon as the wine has absorbed, add a little stock and stir.
8. You’ll need to keep a close eye on this now, stir regularly and adding a little more stock every few minutes as it absorbs. Whilst the rice is cooking, do step 9.
9. Carefully add your butternut squash to your hot baking tray, turning it in the oil with a fork so that all of the sides are coated. Drizzle with honey or maple syrup and scatter over the chilli flakes and salt and pepper. Turn again to coat all sides. Return to the oven.
10. Continue to add your stock in small amounts to your risotto, stirring continuously as the rice cooks. Keep an eye on your butternut squash in the oven too; turning every five minutes to help it brown on all sides. Both should take around 20-25 minutes.
11. Once the rice is cooked (tender, but firm), and the squash is nice and golden, it’s time to dish up. Simply pop the rice in a bowl and top with the squash and a touch of ground pepper. Enjoy!